In the past couple of months, we’ve seen unprecedented times. We’re sorry we couldn’t be there for you in a bigger capacity, but now we can be!
Knight Family Chiropractic is ready to resume delivery of complete, comprehensive health and spinal care in accordance with Tennessee Governor Bill Lee and the Economic Recovery Group’s “Tennessee Pledge” for reopening of businesses.
Knight Family Chiropractic’s Reopening Plan
Our top priority is the health and well-being of our patients, staff, and doctors. So our goal is to responsibly (and ethically) serve patients in the safest, most sanitary environment possible.
Starting on May 4th, we will resume normal business hours. We will begin seeing fewer patients to allow for social distancing and more time to sanitize between appointments. We’re still offering telehealth appointments, especially for at-risk patients.
Please note: This is a fluid plan that can change rapidly based on the health of the community, as well as any city or state guidelines.
How Can Chiropractic Care Benefit You Most Right Now
Chiropractic care offers many benefits to people who suffer from a wide variety of health conditions. Please Click Here for a list of the symptoms chiropractic care can help with.
Chiropractic care is one of the best ways to eliminate structural strain on the central nervous system. If there is less stress on your Central Nervous System, your body can function at its best. This is something we all need right now!
Chiropractic care has also been proven to aid in reducing muscular tension. This can promote better sleep, less pain, less anxiety, and improved ability to strengthen and heal. We want you to feel your best and remain optimistic during this troubling time. Make your health a priority today, and book an appointment here.
When Scheduling an Appointment
In order to limit the amount of time you’re in the office, we’ll be reaching out to you prior to your appointment to gather as much information as possible by phone.
We will be asking the following questions:
COVID-19 Related Questions:
Have you run a fever greater than 100.3 in the last 14 days?
Had a cough or difficulty breathing in the last 14 days?
Have you been exposed to anyone with Covid-19?
Demographic Information:
Name, address, DOB, phone number, email address
Medical plan – including insured name, DOB and SSN
Please email a picture of all of your medical insurance plan cards to info@knightfamilychiro.com. OR text a picture of the front and back of your card to 615-856-1902.
Please be prepared to answer these questions for your appointment.
Limited Entry to the Office
Entry to the office will be by appointment only. This includes not only exams but also pickups of CBD oil or other supplies.
Curbside pickups are still preferred to maintain social distance and do not require an appointment. Just call on your way and once you arrive. Orders and Payments can be taken over the phone, or at your car window.
While we do not anticipate our normal volume of patients inside the building since we are limiting the number of appointments. But please attempt to maintain social distance from other patients. Seating in the office has been spread out to help accommodate this need.
Please also refrain from bringing personal guests. They will not be allowed entry in the office (with the exception of one parent/guardian for minors or special needs patients).
When You Arrive
We are asking anyone entering the building to bring a face mask and to wear it at all times. For your protection, our staff will be wearing face masks as well.
When you arrive at the office, please come into the facility and wait at the front desk closest to the door, to check-in. When entering the building, you will need to use sanitizing gel. Or go to the bathroom sink to wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds prior to starting.
We will then check to ensure your temperature is not over 100.3 with a temporal thermometer. If your temperature is over 100.3, you will need to reschedule.
While you’re at the front desk, you will answer questions on an IPAD related to your COVID-19 exposure, and choose your chief complaint for your scheduled visit. Then we will take you back to either receive therapy or see the doctor.
Exam Rooms, Treatment Bays and Therapy Room
We ALWAYS have rigorous sanitation and disinfection practices at our office. As usual, we will maintain universal precautions and sanitation procedures as rooms are cleaned between each patient. We pay special attention to treatment tables, IPADs, door handles, counters, and our family room.
We also have a state-of-the-art air purification system called Air Oasis that helps to clean the air and hard surfaces.
Our Doctors and Staff
We realize that certain portions of your examination and treatment will require close proximity to our staff members and doctor. But we will do our best to protect you and ourselves at all times.
As part of Governor Lee’s Tennessee Pledge, guidelines are established for employers and employees. These are:
Screen all employees reporting to work for COVID-19 symptoms
Temperature screening of employees
Direct any employee who exhibits COVID-19 symptoms to leave the premises, and seek medical care and/or testing per CDC guidelines.
Implement workplace cleaning and disinfection
Mitigate exposure in the workplace – this means social distancing and modifying work schedules
Stay home when feeling ill
Increase hygiene practices, wash hands frequently, and avoid touching their face
Wear a cloth face covering while at work
Practice recommended social distancing as much as possible
Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns. We are so excited to be able to serve you again, and we look forward to seeing you soon! If you’d like to book an appointment, please do so here.
Yours in Health!
Dr. Susan Knight-Nanni